What are LMC's?
Structures recognised since 1948 by successive NHS Acts. They are defined by statute in the NHS Act 2006, (as amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012).
Local Medical Committees (LMCs) represent the interests of general practice alone and act as its advocates, free of political constraints and the need to satisfy the interests of others.
They are independent bodies.
They are professionally led (i.e. GP) organisations responsible for representing individual GPs and their practices locally, regionally and nationally. They are not Trade Unions.
The 1999 NHS Act extended the role of LMCs to include representation of all GPs, whatever their contractual status.
LMCs are self-financing bodies paid for by a levy of GP earnings. This is the primary source of income for the LMC and is used to pay for our office running costs, salaries, honoraria and member attendance at meetings etc.
In addition, practices are asked to contribute to a national levy, which is used to finance the LMC’s contribution to the General Practitioners Defence Fund (GPDF). The GPDF funds the activities of the General Practitioners Committee (GPC), its negotiating team, policy leads, subcommittees, the Annual Conference of LMCs, and campaigns and legal actions in defence of NHS GPs.
Who do we represent?
We represent all local GPs irrespective of their contractual status: GP partners as defined in Section 97 of the NHS Act who, under a general medical services contract is providing primary medical services in the area for which the committee is formed and who pay the statutory levy.
Sessional (salaried and locum) GPs working regular sessions in Worcestershire GP practices.
Trainee GPs throughout their training.
We canvass the views of GPs and represent them to a variety of different organisations such as Worcestershire ICS, CD Forum, Local Authorities, NHS England, NHS Trusts, CQC, West Mercia police, NHS 111, the Coroners, local and national
media, GPCE, RCGP, MPs.
We attend system meetings where we can add value for general practice and influence and provide challenges on your behalf where appropriate.
Worcestershire LMC structure
The Committee at the heart of Worcestershire LMC consists of 16 GP’s elected across our 6 constituencies. Elections take place every 4 years according to the rules of our Constitution. Any GP contributing to the LMC levy who is on the performers list on the 1st January in an election year can be nominated in the election.
In addition to elected members the Constitution allows the Committee to Co-opt additional members who have a particular area of expertise.
The Committee meets monthly.
Any vacancies that arise mid-term are advertised in the LMC Newsletter.
Any GP interested in being co-opted to a vacancy or wishing to be involved with the LMC in some capacity can register their interest with Tracey Summers.
Representation at External meetings:
The LMC has always been invited to attend a number of meetings as a key stakeholder in Worcestershire and this has increased recently with the appointment of the new Worcestershire LMC Limited Board.
A member of the Board is in attendance at the below meetings on a regular basis. This allows the LMC to be at the heart of the decision-making process and provides the opportunity to influence and collaborate ensuring commissioning decisions are co-produced with the maximum benefit to patients and the health and social care system, ensuring an independent voice of General Practice is represented.
On average the LMC Committee Team collectively has a presence at 10 meetings per week, representing GPs and their practices on a number of different groups across Worcestershire.